Jordan Investors Association


Expanding, supporting and developing activities of investors and industrialists at the south-east Amman and the surrounding industrial areas, encouraging the investment and manufacturing sector, holding exhibitions to introduce the Jordanian industries and their features, implementing Programes that seek to develop the industries and exports of Jordanian industrialists, functioning as a link between the Amman Chamber of Industry and the Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation and all concerned entities on the one hand and its affiliates on the other hand to convey complaints and petitions by investors and resolve them.


  • Establishment Date: 1991
  • Members: 270 members
  • Branches: None
  • President: Majdi Al-Hashlamoun
  • Managing Board: Vice President: Asim Samara
    Secretary: Daoud Al-Qasrawi
    Treasurer: Muhammad Saed
  • Election Period: Three years
  • Last Election: 2022

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