(Jordan Europe Business Association (JEBA


Developing cooperation between the Jordanian private sector and its counterparts in Europe with a focus on exports and investment and joint investments in the sector of commerce, industry and services, acquainting the Jordanian private sector with business and investment opportunities in Europe, exchanging commercial delegations between Jordan and Europe, conducting joint Jordanian-European Programes to exchange expertise and increase the capabilities of small and medium-sized institutions, and holding regular seminars and conferences for its members


  • Establishment Date: 1995
  • Members: 350 members
  • Branches: None
  • President: Jamal Badran
  • Managing Board: Vice-President: Ali Murad
    Secretary general: Adel Mashharawi
    Treasurer: Ramzi Almona
  • Election Period: Two Years
  • Last Election: 2019

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