Jordanian National Industries Support Association


Conducting studies and research in the fields of industry, especially in the areas of mining and technical industry, contributing to feasibility studies of various industrial projects and working to direct capital to participate in the formation of companies that establish production plants, modernizing and developing industrial production methods and studying the problems of the national industries, contributing to the development of appropriate solutions and participating in their implementation, contributing to raising awareness of the environmental and industrial safety and promoting the Jordanian industries and activating efforts to look for export markets for the national industrial products, participate with the concerned and responsible authorities to recommend the implementation of the proposals and demands submitted by the industrial companies and protect the national industry, and the issuance of periodic and non-periodic publications that would serve the objectives and requirements of the Commission..


  • Establishment Date: 2003
  • Members: 820 members
  • Branches: None
  • President: Zain Al'abden
  • Managing Board: Vice-President: Khalid Al-Sharayda.

    Secretary: Ahmad Abu Shqeira
  • Election Period: Four years
  • Last Election: 2019

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